Thanasis Κleopas was born in 1965. He studied Electrical engineer at the National Poytechnic School of Athens. He is a self- taught musician and songwriter who sings and plays the ancient Greek lyre of Apollo.
He has travelled and performed in many countries around the world such as Japan, India, Spain, France, Germany and Holland.
He is connected with the Seed Movement in Greece and Europe organizing for Peliti the musical events during the Olympic Seeds Festival in Greece.
From 2016 to 2019, he was playing every week at the Autistic Center Elpida in Thessaloniki , with great results on the behavior of the children.
In 2018, he performed at a primary school in Frankfurt a show combining music with ancient Greek mythology.
His dream is to see the lyre (which he considers as one of the easiest instruments to learn) being introduced to schools and institutions, where people could be trained, with simple methods, to play in order to make available to all the lyre’s truly therapeutic properties.

Thanasis Κleopas